Got books? We can help!

How Trade Credit Works

Bring us all the great books you are ready to pass onto others!

Bring us all the great books you are ready to pass onto others!


Here at Books & Company we have a unique trade credit program. When you bring books to our store, you will get trade credit for 1/2 of what we sell the books for. Trade credit can be used to purchase books in the store.

Trade Credit Process

  • Make sure you only bring books that we are able to sell. Please refer to the chart below.

  • If you are only bringing 1 or 2 bags/boxes of books, you can just bring them in any time we are open. If you have 3 or more bags/boxes of books, please call the store during business hours at 203- 248- 9449 to make sure we have the space for your trade/donation.

Some Trade Credit Fast Facts:

  • You get trade credit for 1/2 of our selling price.

  • You can ONLY spend trade credit on our new-to-you books.

  • It's used with $$$– you can pay for 1/2 of your in-store book purchase with trade credit and the other 1/2 with money.

  • We keep your trade credit on file in the store.

Your trade credit…

… never expires

… can be shared